My Route

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 28

Today was a very tough day. I knew it was going to be hard so I left before sunrise. I went 153 km, 125 of which had a headwind. Those 125 km were 8 hours of torture. I just kept peddling at 9 mph and watched the km signs go by one by one. I finished the day in Rio Colorado completely exhausted.

It was really cold this morning and there was frost on the ground. There were parrots called loros everywhere. Those suckers are loud too, especially when several hundred of them are chirping at the same time. I went by a construction zone about 15 km into the day and all the workers were very enthusiastic in wishing me good luck as I went by. I guess they knew what I was up against...153 km, no towns, and headwinds. At least I got a great feeling of accomplishment when I finished.

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