My Route

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 51

I had a bit of a rough day today. I hit a wall, figeratively speaking, at about 3 hours and just felt drained of energy. I don't think I ate enough last night to fully recover from yesterday. There was also a steady headwind today. I decided to call it a day after 85 km in pampa del infierno, which roughly translates as fields of hell. I found a diner and started to feel better after I had a big meal. The lack of scenery makes biking really boring. On both sides of the road there is a band if tall grass behind which is a dense shrub forest. It is like I am practically biking through a tunnel. Tomorrow I will try to make up some distance I missed out on today and try to make it to monte quemado, about 200 km away. All the cities around this part of the country have really scary names. Monte quemado translates as burnt mountain, and to get there I pass through rio muerte, which translates as dead river...wonderful.

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