My Route

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 30

Today was a really long day to Bahia Blanca. I was on the road for about 9 hours and went about 180 km. It was a nice ride. No head winds this time, only a slight side wind. I saw a lot of farms today, which is different from the sheep and cattle ranches I had seen up to this point. The downside is that every farm house seems to have a dog which hates bikes, so every time I go by one I have to out run a dog or two. I am getting pretty good at it. I was followed by a bunch of loros this morning for a mile or so. They flew over me and chirped at me. I guess I got too close to their nest or something.

Approaching major cities by bike is always complicated. I ended up in an industrial park on a road with no shoulders and lots of trucks. There were strange smells coming from factories I went by and the exhaust from all the trucks was not pleasant either. I eventually took a short cut through a slum and arrived in downtown Bahia Blanca. It is a really big city, sort of like a baby Buenos Aires. I found a nice, inexpensive hotel near the city center. I didn´t even have to carry my bags, a bell hop did it for me! That night I at a parilla and went to bed exhausted but full.

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