My Route

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Days 18-20

I decided to stay in Comdoro Rivadavia for the weekend. I was at my cousin´s apartment and the cable TV, internet, hot shower, and warm bed were too much to resist. I mostly just slept in, surfed the internet, and rested my legs a little. On Sunday night I went with my cousin to an asado at the house of a famous Argentine surgeon. He was a friend of my cousin and knew each other from the flight club here. We had a nice night and great food. We argued politics throughout the night, which is pretty much a national pasttime down here right after soccer. It got pretty heated at times but was all in good fun. I didn´t get to bed that night until 1 am and had to get up at 7:30 the next morning to start my trip again.

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