My Route

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 16: Biking along the ocean

It sprinkled this morning. I could see curtains of rain off in the distance. At the begining of the day it was more featureless planes filled with shrubs and the occasional sheep. There were a few nice downhill equal uphill as I made my way back to the coast. Seeing the ocean was a nice after 2 days of near desert conditions. The water was a beautiful blue and turqoise. I made it to Caleta Olivia by about 3:00. It was a nice city but was really dirty, trash everywhere on the side of the road. As I arrived I saw a rainbow over the ocean. I was still feeling strong and could see Comodoro Rivadavia down the coast so I decided to try and make it there by sundown. As I got closer the road started to be very crowded with trucks. The sun ended up going down before I arrived so I pulled out my head lamp and biked on the gravel shoulder of the road. I arrived around 7:00 and found a hostel to stay at. I was exhausted but I saved a day by pushing to the next city. It was another 100 mile day. I have another cousin that lives here and I will take a day off and meet up with him tomorrow morning.

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