My Route

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Day 12

I made my way to San Julian today. The weather reports said there would be rain but it turned out to be a nice sunny day with little wind. There was a nasty climb outside of town which really woke me up and got me back into the swing of things after my day off.

On my way I ran into the Romanian bikers that had spend a night with me at the boarder crossing in San Sebastian. We chatted for a little, took some photos, and then they were off on their way to Brazil. It is fun to run into people again...we are all adventures out here and I really feel a sense of commerodery with other bikers and motorcyclists I run into.

On the wildlife front I saw an antelope, which was a nice change from the guanacos I see everywhere I go. The road today took me by a huge valley and I stopped for a few pictures. The landscape is a series of mesas, and it is sometimes had to tell if I am on top of one. I will be biking along and then out of the blew there is a huge cliff. As I approached San Julian about 10 miles out I could smell the ocean in the breeze even before I could see it. Tomorrow is my longest day yet. I go to Tres Cerros, which is about 100 miles away. No other option as there are no towns between here and there.

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