My Route

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 21: On the road again

Today I got back on the road after 3 days of rest. My cousin dropped me off at the edge of the city to start the day since the the roads out of the city were very busy and had no space for bikes. I started a little before sunrise. The wind was pretty strong, about 25 mph, and it was from the side. As usual in side winds I had a tough time staying on the road. About 50 km into my ride my left peddle broke. It still works but every time I turn the gears the peddle rotates in a really jerky way. I fiddled around with it but couldn't get it working again. It is probably a bearing or something. It isn't serious enough to stop my trip but I will definately need to get it replaced in the next town with a bike shop, which is 2 days away.

In the wild life department I saw some more guanaco and my first quail and armadillo. I tried to get a picture of the armadillo but it ran off before I could get my camera out.

I had a pretty long day at 7.5 hours. By the end I had salt all over my face. I must have looked pretty strange when I road into town at the end. I was expecting to find a small hotel but all there was was a gas station. I got some food and stayed there until it closed at midnight. I put on every piece of clothing that i had and set up my tent for the first time. There was a little rain but not enough to cause a problem.

I was warm and sleeping behind the gas station when I got the scare of my life. Someone was running by my tent and tripped over my tent and fell on top of me. I had my tent closed and thought I was being attacked and robbed. I started to scream as loud as I could while I struggled to find the zipped to open the tent. I heard a voice telling me to calm down and once I got out of my tent I realized what had happened. They were two workers at the gas station just horsing around. They invited to let me sleep inside with the other employees and I accepted. At least I was able to get out of the cold.

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