My Route

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Friday, May 14, 2010

Day 10: Finally a tail wind!!!

Today was so much fun! I had a tail wind almost the entire day. I made my 103 km ride today in less than 4 hours. For the last hour I averaged nearly 20 mph. There was also a long downhill portion that lasted about 15 minutes. I just sat back and enjoyed the ride. I was cashing out all the climbing I had done the previous few days. Last night a guy at the hotel I was at warned me that protestors had blocked the road the day before over some sort of petroleum dispute. I did not run into any protestors today but figured they would let me pass in any event since I am not using any gas on this particular trip. The truckers seemed really interested in me today with about half waiving or flashing their lights at me. However, there was one jackass bus that came by me really slow and someone stuck their head out and yelled at me. I guess he does not want to share the road.

This morning I saw some white lumps on the side of the road. I could not figure out what they were until I stopped and realized it was snow from a storm the night before. I just hope I can get to a low enough latitude in time to avoid having to bike or camp in the snow. I arrived in town and called my cousin, but she was still at work since I had arrived so early. She came by eventually and took me to her house. I will stay here for the next 2 days.

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