My Route

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 54

My knee still hurt a little this morning when I woke up so I decided to do a half day ride. I made it to Taco Pozo by around 11. The next town with a hotel was another 120 km and I knew I would be in some serious pain if I went for it. Taco Pozo is a nice little town with a few paved roads. It seems to be bicycle central. The people around here are too poor to afford a car so they bike instead. I saw 3 bike shops within a few blocks of my $12 a night hotel. I also found out that they do not have electricity here from 8 am until 2 pm due to fuel shortages. The US was eliminated from the world cup today and people were in the street immediately afterwards cheering for Ghana. I suddenly feel like I am in a hostile place.

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