My Route

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 38: Back on the road

I got back on the road again today. My aunt took me to the edge of buenos aires and sent me off. It was a nice day and I got in about 145 km. I definately notice the difference after resting for 3 days. I had great endurance, though my hamstrings were a little tight for the first hour or two. I crossed a flood plane and there were little lakes and streams everywhere. I also went across the rio parana. The bridge was enourmos, maybe 5 km long. There was no bike lane and barely a walk way. For about 2 km I tried biking on the walk way, but it was only about 3 feet across. I had trouble keeping my balance threading that needle. The 100 foot drop off to the water below didn't help either. One of my bags hit a guard rail and got caught, breaking the plastic clips which attach it to my bike. This was a very serious problem. I ended up securing my bag to my bike with a bungee cord and walked the rest of the way across the bridge. Once over I spent an hour replacing the broken plastic clips with others I removed from another part of my bag. It worked and I made it to gualeguaychu about 5 hours later. I met up with a cousin of mine who lives in the city and stayed at him place for the night.

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