My Route

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Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 1

Day 1: I arrived in Ushuaia Tuesday and found a hostel with a little help from the cab driver. I started to put my bike all together and was happy everything worked except for 1 screw which had been stripped. I met 2 motorcyclists, Marty and Jerramiah, who had some tools to fix it. They had just arrived from Canada and Nebraska respectively. We ended up having an asado at the hostel to celebrate the end of their journey and the start of mine. Ushuaia is an interesting place with people from all over the world. I shared a room with an Austrailian, a Mexican, and another American. Next door was the German contigent.

I left Ushuaia Wednesday at sunrise, which was at 9:00. Since I am so far South, there are only 9 hours of sun each day. The first day went well except for the 2000 ft. climb about 10 miles outside of town. I made it but it was a real gut check. The scenery is beautiful, sort of like New Hampshire or Vermont foliage but at the base of snow capped mountains. My first night I stayed in Tolhuin in a little cabin I rented. I had some trouble finding something to eat as the whole city seemed to be closed. I ended up picking up some sandwich materials from a minimart. I took a nice hot shower and fell right to sleep.

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