My Route

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Monday, May 3, 2010

Chilling in BA and Chilly in Ushuaia

In Buenos Aires at the moment and fly down to Ushuaia tomorrow morning. I´ve been making my rounds visiting all my family before I leave and planning the details of my route. Tryng to enjoy family when I can see them as I´ll be pretty isolated for the next few months. First night I went to a birthday party with my cousin, but I cut out early as I didn´t sleep a whole lot on my flight the night before and was really tired. Last night I hung out with two more cousins making pizza and drinking home made beer. Good stuff! A relative of mine lives in Southern Argentina and is going to give me a list of all the people he knows along my route and places I can stay. Today is super busy. I have to pick up a new box for my bike, maps of Southern Argentina, and my cell phone. I will post the cell number for everyone as soon as I get it. Looking at the weather reports for the South I am getting a little worried. It is supposed to get below freezing on my first night.

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